Trump apologizes to Kavanaugh family for 'campaign of political and personal destruction'

This ceremonial swearing-in of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court starts off slow and low-key with Trump offering individual thanks to each current member of the Court for their attendance. Then he thanks Kavanaugh’s family. But a few minutes in things take a turn for the dramatic.


“I would like to begin tonight’s proceeding differently than perhaps any other event of such magnitude,” Trump said. He continued, “On behalf of our nation I want to apologize to Brett and the entire Kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure. Those who step forward to serve our country deserve a fair and dignified evaluation, not a campaign of personal and political destruction based on lies and deception.

“What happened to the Kavanaugh family violates every notion of fairness, decency and due process. [In] our country, a man or a woman must always be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. And with that, I must state, that you, sir, under historic scrutiny were proven innocent.”

With that, Trump turned and shook Kavanaugh’s hand as a billion progressive heads exploded. I’m just guessing at this point that people on the left are going to object to nearly all of this. If you’re convinced Kavanaugh is a gang-rapist then this would sound obscene.

But if you’re not convinced of that, then what Trump said here seems pretty reasonable. Kavanaugh was beaten up in public for weeks with no chance to defend himself, despite the fact that his three accusers couldn’t identify a single eyewitness among them. And then when he finally did respond in outrage at the hearing, his opponents claimed it proved he lacked judicial temperament despite a decade of evidence to the contrary.


His every yearbook utterance was scrutinized to prove he was a sex-obsessed frat boy even though people who knew better (about FFFFFF, about the “Devil’s Triangle,” etc) said otherwise. Meanwhile, the apparent contradictions in his accuser’s stories barely seemed to interest the media. Did Christine Blasey Ford build a 2nd front door as an escape hatch or to better rent out her front room to boarders? Only the former story fit the narrative.

In short, this really was a disgusting campaign run by Democrats who leaked Ford’s information to press her into the limelight when she had requested anonymity. The precise identity of the leaker is another thing that hasn’t been of much interest to the media. So, maybe it’s not quite right to say Kavanaugh was proven innocent but it is right to say his accusers dramatically failed to meet the burden of proof to prove otherwise.

And if Trump’s speech isn’t enough to enrage Democrats, stick around a few more moments to see the standing ovation for Cocaine Mitch who, along with Chuck Grassley, handled this like a boss.

After the swearing-in ceremony, Kavanaugh spoke for about 12 minutes. Toward the end, he offered a promise to everyone including those who opposed him. “The Senate confirmation process was contentious and emotional,” he said. He continued, “That process is over. My focus now is to be the best Justice I can be. I take this office with gratitude and no bitterness. On the Supreme Court, I will seek to be a source of stability and unity. My goal is to be a great Justice for all Americans and for all of America.”


Here’s the full video. Trump’s apology begins around the 36-minute mark. The swearing-in happens around 43:30 and Kavanaugh’s speech begins about 45:30.

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