Scenes from Hillary Clinton's book tour

Monday night was the kick-off of Hillary Clinton’s book tour. The first event at the Warner Theater in Washington, D.C. was sold out and tickets were being resold online for many times the asking price. I can’t imagine paying money to hear any politician talk about themselves for an hour, but clearly, Hillary has some devoted fans. The Washington Post captures the scene:


“I paid twelve fifty on StubHub for two tickets,” she said, standing outside of the Warner Theatre, nearly two hours before Clinton’s first stop on a speaking tour promoting her new book. “No, not twelve dollars and fifty cents. Twelve hundred and fifty dollars.”…

“It’s going to be more than worth it,” Warren said. “Especially if I can get a selfie with her.”…

And so it was a festive atmosphere on 13th Street Northwest, amid the “Pussy Power” buttons and the “Nasty Woman” T-shirts, as folks clamored to snap up copies of her new book, “What Happened,” while eagerly parsing quotes from her recent NPR interview with Terry Gross. (“She damn well better not rule out contesting the election!”)

Once the interview got started, Hillary offered the same observations you’ve already heard if you’ve read any coverage of her book. She did urge government employees to “stick it out” if possible. One EPA worker whose family members voted for Trump told Washington Post author Ben Terris, “It was nice to be around someone who made it known that she cares. I ugly-cried through plenty of it.” Good grief. The election was 10 months ago. When are these folks going to let it go?

The entire appearance is available on YouTube in case you missed it. I skimmed through about 2/3 of it, which was more than enough for me. The highlight, based on the crowd reaction may have been when interviewer Lissa Muscatine asked a series of either/or questions.


Muscatine: Tea or coffee?

Clinton: Coffee.

Muscatine: Beach or mountains?

Clinton: What?

Muscatine: Beach or mountains?

Clinton: Beach.

Muscatine: Shower or bath?

Clinton: Well, these are all really unfair and that is particularly unfair…

Muscatine: These are easy.

Clinton: Because I mean really it depends upon how much time you have.

Muscatine: Okay, that’s fine. Pilates or yoga?

Clinton: Yoga.

Muscatine: Vodka or chardonnay.

Clinton: Again, it depends upon how much time you have.

Hillary broke into laughter at her own answer and the crowd responded with several seconds of enthusiastic applause. Can you imagine paying $500 or $1,000 for a ticket to this? If so, there are plenty more stops on the tour. Unlike the final weeks of the 2016 election, she’s even going to Wisconsin this time.

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