The Congressional Black Caucus wants everyone to 'stay woke' by reading this boring list

The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has released a list of complaints about the Trump administration under the heading “What Did Trump Do? The first-100-days, #staywoke list.” The list opens with a message from chairman Cedric Richards explaining the origin of the term “stay woke” and how it is being used in the document:


In general, “stay woke” or “stay awake” means to stay focused on what is really being said and done to and around you, especially as it relates to police brutality and other elements of African-Americans’ years-long struggle to fully achieve the American Dream.

However, as a result of the election of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, the phrase has taken on new meaning. In this new political climate, “stay woke” means to stay informed about the policies and programs of this Administration and how they will affect our communities (e.g. children, women, people of color, LGBT, immigrants, poor, middle-class and others) and the country.

In other words, the CBC is borrowing this phrase not to discuss race per se, but to discuss everything it doesn’t like about the Trump administration. That’s why the list that follows has sections on environmental justice, international affairs, and retirement.

Some of the items in the list involve obvious gaffes, i.e. Kellyanne Conway’s mistaken reference to a massacre in Bowling Green, Kentucky that never happened (#47). One outrage that definitely didn’t make this list: CBC Chairman Cedric Richmond’s widely panned “joke” at a Washington Press Club Foundation dinner in March. Referring to a photo of Kellyanne Conway kneeling on a couch in the Oval Office, Richmond said, “she really looked kind of familiar in that position.” He later claimed he had only meant she looked “comfortable.” Uh-huh, sure.


There’s also a lot of padding of the list with items that seems too vague or too far in the weeds of policy to inspire much partisan outrage:

40.President Trump’s proposed budget would cut National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration coastal programs, which will affect populations, including minorities, living along the Gulf Coast and other coastal areas…

52.As a candidate, President Trump promised time and time again to “drain the swamp.” However, in his first 100 days, he has done the opposite. He filled his administration with lobbyists and Wall Street alumni…

62.President Trump endorsed the failed Republican-sponsored ACHA or “TrumpCare,” which included an “age tax” for Americans age 50-64. The tax would have resulted in older Americans paying health insurance premiums that were five times higher than what others pay…

70.President Trump has proposed to cut national security and counterterrorism programs which could leave large and small cities more vulnerable…

100. President Trump has refused to hold China accountable for unfair trade practices and currency manipulation.


You can’t blame the CBC for trying, but this cobbled together list of items, many of which deal with budget proposals that aren’t even law yet, seems more likely to put readers to sleep than keep them awake.

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