Poll: Trump hits 60 percent in New York

A NY1/Baruch College poll of New York found Donald Trump has hit 60 percent support and leads his nearest rival in the state by 43 percent. NY1 News reports:

Running in his home state, Trump is supported by 60 percent of likely Republican voters, the poll found. Ohio Gov. John Kasich and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas trail far behind with 17 percent and 14 percent, respectively.

“Trump is just killing it,” said Baruch College pollster Mickey Blum…”Every demographic group goes for him,” said Baruch College pollster Doug Muzzio. “Every geographic group, every socio-economic group. And with large majorities.

It means Trump is in a position to possibly sweep all 95 delegates up for grabs. To do that, he must win at least 50 percent of the primary vote in every one of New York’s 27 congressional districts. Otherwise, the top finisher in a district wins two delegates and the runner-up gets one.


Trump currently has 743 delegates according to an AP count and needs 1237 to secure the nomination. Sweeping the delegates in New York would help him overcome the failure to secure any delegates in Colorado. While a decisive victory would certainly be good news for Trump, there was also some bad news for the candidate in the same poll:

In a general election, Clinton or Sanders beat Trump in New York. Our poll found Clinton winning 51 percent to 35 percent. Sanders would trounce Trump even more decisively: 54 percent to 32 percent.

So Trump seems poised for a big win next Tuesday but New York is a state that voted for Barack Obama over Mitt Romney by 63-35% in 2012. In real numbers, Obama got about 1.9 million more votes than Romney. That’s a pretty deep hole to climb out of for anyone on the GOP ticket.

The same poll also found Hillary Clinton maintains a double-digit lead over Bernie Sanders, 50-37.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024