Is Joe Biden Trying to Sabotage Kamala?

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Sabotage? That's a fairly strong word to use, even in the rough-and-tumble world of American presidential politics. And yet that's precisely what CNN host Scott Jennings suggested this week. Of course, the accusation came couched inside of some nicer language. What Jennings was referring to was a "compliment" that Biden paid to his veep, saying that she has been a "major player" in his administration, acting as a "full participant" in everything that Biden's cabinet had been doing. Biden insisted that the two of them were "singing from the same song sheet." So why would that be seen as a way to undermine her? Because he was tying her to every law that's been passed and every executive policy put in place. And if things are going seriously downhill at this late stage of the game, it's her fault just as much as it's his. (Daily Mail)


CNN host Scott Jennings believes President Joe Biden is attempting to sabotage Democratic nominee Kamala Harris' campaign after calling her 'a major player' .

The Kentucky-born political strategist took to X to share the wild theory hours after Biden's surprise appearance in the press briefing room on Friday. 

Eagle-eyed viewers noticed that the President was very insistent about Harris being a full participant in everything their cabinet were doing.

'I'm in constant contact with her. She's aware. We're singing from the same song sheet. She helped pass all of the laws that are being employed now, she was a major player in everything we've done,' Biden told a journalist.

Another GOP source backed Jennings up, saying that Biden was "literally trying to destroy her campaign." I'm not one to put any amount of skullduggery beyond the scope of the collection of swamp-dwellers infesting Washington these days, but it still sounds as if we're giving Biden a lot more credit for some advanced cognitive function than we've grown used to of late. I won't deny the likelihood that Biden's high praise of Kamala in this fashion may wind up having that effect, but surely there are some other potential explanations for how this all worked out the way that it did.

Perhaps in his own odd way, possibly during an increasingly rare moment of lucidity, Biden was honestly trying to defend Harris. She has been rightly subjected to considerable criticism for having done essentially nothing of substance during her time as VP. Even the few tasks she was supposedly given (border czar and artificial intelligence overseer) showed no signs of progress during her tenure. Might Biden have been trying to fluff up her resume in his own well-intentioned but ham-handed way?


Or perhaps this really was a case of Biden lashing out, perhaps with the help of some of his aides who were tired of people bad-mouthing the boss. This all unfolded on the same day that CNN accused Biden of trying to 'steal the limelight' from his VP through his surprise appearance moments before she took the stage to give remarks. By this point, Joe realizes that he's on the way out the door, but he's not gone yet. Perhaps he feels unjustly snubbed by those who have shifted the limelight onto Harris and her campaign while Joe waits in the wings for his final exit.

But what sort of net benefit would Biden's handlers see in giving Donald Trump a final shove toward the finish line in a race this close? Perhaps that question doesn't really matter as much as we might imagine. It's the Obamas who are largely running things behind the scenes from everything we've heard recently. Harris has assembled her own team to pick up the torch and carry it toward the finish line. Biden really doesn't have a horse in this race anymore. Perhaps he and his team simply no longer care. In any event, about the worst thing anyone could do to Harris or any other candidate at this point is to tie them to the current state of the country and the clearly deleterious effects that Biden's policies have had on the nation. Politics inside the swamp can be a nasty business. You can never turn your back on even your supposedly closest allies for too long.


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