Donors: No More Dough Until No More Joe

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The calls for Joe Biden to step aside from prominent Democratic leaders and some liberal media outlets have quieted a bit in the face of the president's continued refusal to exit stage left. But that doesn't mean that Scranton Joe has sealed the deal with everyone on the left. One group that Biden will desperately need is comprised of all of those big-money donors and bundlers that have continued to pump life into his campaign. One source inside of his campaign who recently spoke to the Washington Post said that most of them are still insisting on a replacement at the top of the ticket if there is any hope of beating Donald Trump. The catchphrase in this movement continues to be, "No more dough until no more Joe." It's a catchy slogan, but it certainly won't be music to Biden's ears. (NY Post)


Big money Democratic donors started to withhold cash from the Biden campaign with the slogan “No more dough until no more Joe” as doubt about the president’s viability grew — with the embattled leader leaning more heavily on convicted First Son Hunter through the chaos.

The father-son relationship has been almost “Shakespearean,” a source told the Washington Post, which recounted the donor revolt and how even the president’s shocked aides passed around video of their boss feebly negotiating the steps on Air Force One.

Funders looking to replace Biden with a newer, potentially more viable model even tried to pay for new polling on alternative candidates and funneled cash to elected officials who called on him to bow out, according to the outlet.

Another Biden campaign advisor is quoted as saying, “The polling isn’t good, and it feels like things are just getting worse every day." They also have thus far failed to reel in all of the senior Democrats in Washington aside from The Squad and a few others. Just this morning on CNN, Jake Tapper interviewed Joe Manchin, who said, "It's time to pass the torch." 

But the news about the donors may end up carrying a lot more weight. Jeff Weaver, the former political strategist for Sen. Bernie Sanders, pointed out yet again that there is "no practical way" to prevent Biden from being the nominee if that's what he decides to do. That's not entirely true, of course, because there is always the 25th Amendment solution. Technically, Biden could still insist on being the nominee because he won the delegates in the primary, but he would be little more than a dead man walking in political terms. And yet, that doesn't solve the problem the Democrats are facing. 


The goal on the left isn't simply to shove Joe Biden out of the race. They need to replace him with someone who polls well enough to at least stand a chance of defeating Trump. None of these people care about Joe Biden's personal health and welfare or ensuring that he is well cared for in his remaining years. If Biden were currently leading in all of the polls, none of them would say a word despite the obvious issues and challenges he is facing. They are worried about what a Biden loss will do to them personally, particularly those fighting in down-ballot races in marginal states and districts. 

That's where the donors come in. Joe Biden (or more accurately, Jill Biden and his handlers) either don't care about or don't believe the polls. They don't care what Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer think. They don't even care what Joe's delegates might be saying as long as they believe they will remain bound to Joe on the first ballot at the convention. But none of them, including Joe Biden, can keep marching onward toward the election without the campaign lifeblood that comes from the donors. Enthusiasm among small-dollar donors is already in the basement. And if the big-dollar bundlers are closing their checkbooks, it could take down the entire party in November. That's the message that might sink in for Jill Biden. (Maybe.) Nothing is a certainty until the votes are counted, but that sort of potential collapse could send the Democrats into the wilderness for at least the next campaign cycle. Does Joe Biden really want to be remembered as the person who led them there?


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