
Prostitution 'Exploding' in Newsom's California, Even Near Schools

(AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

Some critics are describing the situation as “open sex markets 24 hours per day.” We’re talking about California, where an issue that was long regarded as more of a nuisance than anything else has steadily grown into a problem that’s becoming impossible to ignore. Last year, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 357 into law, the hilariously named “Safer Streets for All” Act. The law decriminalized “loitering with the intent to commit prostitution,” basically making prostitution legal in the state. People took notice and took advantage of the new open season and now barely-dressed prostitutes are showing up all over the place at all hours of the day, including in the vicinity of schools and houses of worship. Not everyone is thrilled with all of this new “freedom,” obviously. But both the Governor and the legislature appear to be oblivious to the outcry. (Daily Wire)

Californians are complaining about barely-clothed prostitutes roaming the streets in broad daylight, an issue heightened by Democratic Gov. Newsom signing Senate Bill 357, local officials say.

SB 357, which was authored by Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener and backed by the ACLU, decriminalizes “loitering with intent to commit prostitution.” Critics say the law effectively decriminalizes prostitution in California.

National City Mayor Ron Morrison, an independent, recently criticized the law, telling Fox News that prostitutes are now “wearing less than what you would consider a scanty negligee” and “flaunting it in everybody’s face.”

Efforts by state Republicans to repeal the law have fallen short because it still garners strong support from Democrats. The law bars police from even contacting women on the streets as long as their genitals are covered. As a result, there are regular reports of women wearing a bra and panties and heels approaching cars at traffic lights and soliciting “jobs.”

On the one hand, this all fits into the pattern we’ve been observing in California and other liberal enclaves. The Democrats have been busy decriminalizing everything imaginable. That’s why it’s so common to see open air drug use taking place in broad daylight and shoplifting on steroids. If you’re going to ignore the people overdosing on the sidewalks and emptying out the CVS, it would be rather cynical to have the cops out there hassling some hookers, right?

But this isn’t just a question of prudes disapproving of scantily-clad women in public. Police were previously able to use the “loitering with intent” law as an entry point to question women, particularly younger ones, to find out if they were out there of their own volition or if they were victims of some type of trafficking operation. Arrests of adult, “independent operators” were rare. But now the cops are barred from even asking.

Let’s not forget that a lot of those women, particularly the young girls, might well be migrants that were trafficked into this country by the Mexican drug cartels. In a way, California has become an example of a perfect storm of Democratic policies tearing down the old rules of order. Joe Biden’s open borders combined with California’s decriminalization of almost everything short of murder has created not only an expanded supply chain but a growing marketplace for everything that lawful, decent people don’t want to be surrounded by. The one thing you might actually want to lawfully own to help protect yourself from all of this (a gun) is the one thing they seemingly will move Heaven and Earth to prevent you from getting.

We can only hope that the nation is watching all of this unfold and slowly coming to the realization that they have been electing exactly the wrong type of people. Is this what anyone wanted our world to look like? I would argue it’s not. And yet Gavin Newsom remains effectively bulletproof in his state’s political arena. He is thankfully term-limited from running for another consecutive stay in office, but he will almost certainly be replaced by someone just as bad, if not worse, unless things begin to change soon.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | February 12, 2025