AMLO accuses Biden, says new border wall is "pure publicity"

(AP Photo/Anthony Vazquez)

The latest episode in the ongoing comedic series based on Joe Biden’s series of reversals in his attitude toward Donald Trump’s border wall comes to us from south of the border and a person who is directly impacted by these decisions. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) decided to weigh in on the situation and spiced up his comments with some inside information about private conversations he had with people from the Biden administration. Assuming he’s laying all of his cards on the table, AMLO isn’t buying it. He doesn’t believe that Biden and his team really want to build any more sections of the wall and doesn’t think it’s even going to happen. (He may be right about that, but more on that in a moment.) He called the idea “pure publicity” and suggested that he may have gotten his information during meetings with American administration officials including Antony Blinken. (NY Post)


The U.S. government does not want to build new sections of wall on its border with Mexico, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Friday, expressing doubt that the planned construction would be carried out.

“It’s pure publicity,” Lopez Obrador said in a regular morning press conference after the Biden administration announced it would build additional sections of border wall, carrying forward a signature policy of the Trump administration.

A high-ranking delegation of U.S. officials met Thursday with their Mexican counterparts, among them U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

AMLO has been a pretty straight shooter since taking office. Sometimes too straight, to the chagrin of both American and Canadian leaders. So I’m inclined to take him at his word and believe that this is real opinion of the border wall plans. And that’s probably what he was told by American officials in confidence.

That’s not at all difficult to believe, because that’s one of the versions of the story that the White House has attempted with the American public. Keep in mind what Plan A was. They released a statement saying that there was “an acute and immediate need” for more border barrier construction. One of Biden’s handlers obviously saw how badly they were cratering in the polls because of the border crisis and the invading migrant army. They figured they could claim to have recognized the problem, listened to people, and were working on a solution.


Well, Plan A blew up in their faces almost immediately, with their own supporters, including even AOC given them hell over it. So they moved to Plan B, which was to say that what they really meant was that they didn’t want to build the wall at all, but the money had been allocated for it, Congress refused to reallocate it, and they had no choice but to move forward. But even MSNBC wasn’t buying that one. The money had been allocated for years without Biden lifting a finger to proceed. They also could have brought lawsuits to block it as they’ve done with so many other things. On top of that, Biden waived 26 federal laws this week to bypass environmental reviews and other procedural steps just so the wall could proceed “urgently and immediately.” He could have easily kept that project tied up in red tape to the point where “not one foot” of wall would be built before the next election.

But since that was the line they quickly decided on, is it so hard to believe that Biden’s people might have indicated to AMLO that they weren’t interested? Might they have gone a step further and suggested that the construction wouldn’t happen at all? That’s sounding like the most plausible scenario to me. And what if they go to Plan C and decide the whole thing has turned into so much of a hot potato that they actually do abandon the plan entirely? Can you honestly say you couldn’t see that happening given Biden’s track record? Then AMLO would have turned out to be correct.


If not, what happens if construction begins and AMLO notices after being assured it wouldn’t happen? Who cares? Biden lies so often and so flagrantly that he doesn’t need to worry about Mexico’s president calling him out on it later. And really… how sure are we that Joe Biden even remembers or knows this is happening at this point? It’s just another day on the beach in Delaware for Uncle Joe.

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Jazz Shaw 4:40 PM | October 17, 2024