NYC Mayor still unhappy with migrants being dumped in his city

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Last week, New York City Mayor Eric Adams was venting his frustrations with both the Biden administration and the Republican governors of two border states over the shipments of illegal migrants being dumped in his city and overcrowding the homeless shelters. That move apparently stiffened the spines of some other municipal officials and they are now joining in the chorus along with Adams. A bipartisan group of City Council members calling themselves the “Common-Sense Caucus” sent a letter to Alejandro Mayorkas at DHS demanding that the administration stop sending planes and busloads of migrants to the city and simply dumping the problem on them. They also expressed support for Adams’ previous speech on the subject, confirming that more than 2,800 migrants had been dumped there in just the past few weeks and the city’s resources are already stretched to the breaking point. (NY Post)


A bipartisan group of City Council members is demanding the Biden administration stop sending migrants to New York, saying its crippling Big Apple homeless shelters and other critical resources.

In a letter Thursday to US Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, five Republicans and two Democrats calling themselves the Council’s new “Common-Sense Caucus” accused federal agencies of unfairly burdening New York taxpayers by fueling efforts to bus and fly more than 2,800 migrants to the Empire State in recent weeks — after many crossed the border into Texas and other southern states seeking asylum.

The pols — which include Republican Minority Leader Joseph Borelli of Staten Island and Queens Democrat Robert Holden – also said they support comments Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat and longtime ally of President Biden, made Tuesday: that the city needs “additional federal resources immediately” to handle the thousands of newcomers.

Eric Adams has frequently described himself as an “ally” of Joe Biden and praised his work as President in the early months of his presidency. Similarly, the Democrats on the City Council rarely if ever stray from the party line. But now the open borders chickens have come home to roost in the Big Apple and these Democrats are clearly past their breaking point. Here’s a short video of Adams addressing the topic yet again, courtesy of the Forbes Twitter feed.


2,800 migrants in a couple of weeks is certainly a significant number, particularly when you consider how few available beds there were in the shelters to begin with. Of course, the Border Patrol is now reporting an average of more than 200,000 people coming across the border each month, so I suppose Adams is fortunate that he’s not being saddled with all of them.

But it’s hard to ignore the truth of what he’s saying. New York City already has a significant population of homeless people to care for and many of them are citizens. These illegal migrants are taking up resources in not only housing but medical care and public schools, along with everything else. While the Biden administration continues to pretend that the Biden border crisis isn’t real or that it’s “no big deal,” they are sending no extra resources to cities like New York to handle this vastly expanded load.

So what does the Homeland Security Department have to say about this? Nothing, really. They are still declining to comment on the secret flights that carry illegal migrants all over the country on a nightly basis. Upon arrival, the migrants usually learn that no arrangements have been made for them and they are now essentially “somebody else’s problem.” The Biden administration continues to ignore requests for help from the state and local levels, apparently hoping that voters won’t notice this crisis, at least until after the midterm elections.


And none of this addresses the thankfully small subset of illegal migrants who are intentionally trying to reach cities like New York and Los Angeles because they actually do have contacts in the area. Unfortunately for us, those contacts are all gang members. We might have been able to screen out some of the worst criminals coming over the border by doing background checks if we had the time to vet them properly. But there is no time for such precautions when we’re dealing with a human flood of this magnitude. Too many of them are simply picked up, asked a couple of questions, and put on a bus or a plane to go elsewhere. The system has long since passed the point of being overloaded. This is yet another full-blown crisis and it’s being mostly ignored by Joe Biden and his media enablers.

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