Environmentalists preparing a perfect storm of lawsuits against the EPA

Any story which begins with “Group XXX” sues Trump administration is pretty much a dog bites man tale at this point, but a story in the Daily Caller highlights one group which is truly exposing themselves and their motives. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has a bone to pick with both Donald Trump and EPA head Scott Pruitt. In fact, they must have an entire skeleton worth of bones, because they’re planning so many lawsuits that they can’t even tell us what they are yet. They just know they’re mad and would like donors to send in enough money to hire an army of lawyers.


A major environmental group is prepping dozens of lawsuits against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for rolling back environmental regulations, The Washington Examiner reports.

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) President Rhea Suh circulated a note to supporters Saturday, asking for more money as her organization readies for the upcoming court battles.

“It’s a new year, but EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt wants to roll back the clock on environmental protections and drag us back decades,” Suh wrote, according to The Washington Examiner.

“The best antidote to Pruitt’s illegal attacks on our environment? Federal court,” she added. “We’re gearing up to file suits on dozens of fronts in the year ahead.”

They must be serious about this. They took the time to create a really spooky graphic for the top of their website letting you know how important it is to break open your piggy bank and send them all your money RIGHT NOW. (Click on image for full size graphic)

Before you break out your credit card and get ready to fund the cause, perhaps you’d like to know a bit more about which specific regulatory changes under the EPA are being challenged. Well, good luck with that. The NRDC isn’t saying. If you click on the banner I included above it just takes you to a donations page with no further information. Just, you know… give them the money right now!

Of course, this circles back around to the same circus act which surrounds most of the lawsuits brought against the Trump administration thus far. I can’t help but wonder if the Supreme Court won’t eventually grow tired of hearing them. Particularly when it comes to one of the agencies like the EPA, their coming arguments hit an immediate legal wall. If they support restrictive regulations put in place by the EPA under the last president, then presumably they believe that the Obama administration had the constitutional authority to create, expand or amend all of those regulations, right? Otherwise, they should have been taking them to court years ago.


But now, they want to claim that the same EPA doesn’t have the right to amend or remove those regulations in the same fashion just because a new President has appointed a new EPA administrator?

Not to put too fine a point on this, but… that’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

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