So nobody likes the Democrats. But the Republicans and the media can't brag either

Despite all the champagne corks popping last night for giddy Democrats who won back governorships in Virginia and New Jersey, the latest polling from CNN may give them pause to reconsider. Allahpundit covered this first set of numbers yesterday, but let’s dig into them a bit further. Are the American people swinging fully away from “Trumpism” and embracing The Resistance with open arms? Not really. Trump’s numbers may be down, but that’s not resulting in any sort of surge in trust for the Democrats. (Washington Examiner)


A new poll says the Democratic Party’s approval ratings have dropped to their lowest mark in 25 years.

The poll from CNN/SSRS claims only 37 percent of Americans favor the Democratic Party, compared to the 44 percent who held that opinion back in March of this year.

In regards to voting in 2018, the poll says Democratic or Democratic-leaning independent registered voters who express their enthusiasm for voting reached a mere 36 percent, in contrast to the 44 percent who said they would in September. The poll also reports registered voters mainly cast their votes due to their dislike of a party rather than support of one.

Take a look at that last, emphasized sentence in the excerpt again. More than the actual lack of support for the party, it’s jarring to note that the majority of people who actually do support the Democrats are doing so primarily because they hate the Republicans more. The troops are restless up and down both coasts it seems.

But here’s the thing. The GOP shouldn’t get too excited about this news. Democratic favorability numbers may be falling, but they’re still not as low as those of the Republicans… or at least the Republican tax reform plan. (Which is the biggest item on their plate right now.)

There is also a very small approval rating for the GOP tax reform plans throughout all Americans.

The poll from SSRS shows that only 31 percent of Americans support the plan. Out of those Americans who support the tax plan, 64 percent are Republican, 31 percent are Independent, and 8 percent are Democrats.


So zero out of two of the players in our two-party system are very popular right now. At least the voters of the country still have a robust watchdog looking out for them in the Fourth Estate, right? As long as the press is on the job, we can all rest secure in the knowledge that these scoundrels won’t be getting away with anything.

Actually… not so much. Turns out the nobody trusts the media either. (Examiner)

More voters than not find the Big Three network newscasts and the nation’s three largest liberal newspapers “untrustworthy,” continuing a trend that started long before President Trump hit the scene, but one that has escalated since he moved into the White House.

The latest Zogby Poll found that 48 percent believe the media biggies — CBS, ABC, NBC, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post — are untrustworthy while 45 percent said they could trust them. The rest were unsure.

Even among those saying these media outlets are “trustworthy,” 28% were only willing to go so far as to say they’re, “somewhat trustworthy.” Barely 17% felt the media is “very trustworthy.” One interesting breakout statistic is that there’s a definite gender gap here. A majority of men (52%) said these media outlets are untrustworthy, while a plurality of women (47%) found them to at least be somewhat trustworthy.

So are we just a nation of cynics now? Is there nobody left to trust? That’s not entirely true. In this year’s Gallup survey of Americans’ trust in 14 institutions, there were actually three which garner majority support. Those were small businesses (70%), the police (57%) and the military (72%). So there’s an offputting thought for you. In theory, the civilian government is supposed to be completely in charge and be able to keep the military in check so we don’t fall under a coup like some sort of banana republic. But at this point, the populace places far more trust in the military than in our civilian leadership.


Sleep well, citizens.

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