3 primary races today: Wyoming for Cruz, Rubio takes DC

7:30 a.m.: Because I’m old I fell asleep before they finalized the DC convention returns, but it was nearly a split decision. The most inside the beltway vote went to the two candidates most perceived as “establishment” this cycle. Marco Rubio took it with 37.3% of the vote and Ohio Governor John Kasich was right behind him at 35.5. Rubio gets 10 of the delegates and Kasich takes 9. Trump came in third with 13.8% and Cruz brought up the rear at 12.4. Neither will receive delegates from this race.



3:37am: Washington Post reports Rubio wins the DC primary:

Announced results gave Rubio 37.3 percent of the 2,839 votes cast. Kasich was close behind with 35.5 percent, a difference of less than two percentage points. That suggested that each might get nearly the same number of delegates.

Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) trailed by substantial margins. Trump got 13.8 percent of the votes and Cruz 12.4 percent.

7:45: With most of the county conventions reporting, the party leaders and committee members have voted and Ted Cruz took the lion’s share of support. Current estimate is that Ted Cruz will get 9 delegates today while Marco Rubio and Donald Trump get one each. The state’s other 29 delegates will be awarded at the state convention next month.


If you happen to be watching cable news today as your primary source of keeping up to date on the election you might not have any idea that there are three primary elections going on. (Sort of.) The first primary is in the District of Columbia, but that’s a bit of a misnomer because it’s not really a primary, nor is it a caucus. DC doesn’t impact the GOP in the general election because the Republicans know they won’t even get 10% of the vote, but they do get to participate in the primary. They have a “convention” today where anyone who is registered as a member of the Republican Party can visit a single convention roughly two blocks from the White House and hopefully all eleven of the Republicans in the district will show up to vote. Who will they support? As Politico puts it… that might be a bit awkward.


After spending a year turning “D.C. Republicans” into a campaign epithet, GOP primary candidates Saturday will find themselves looking to actual D.C. Republicans for some much-needed support…

Marco Rubio has made no secret of his disdain for the workings of the Senate, and John Kasich—whose campaign frequently touts his Congressional experience—has taken to describing himself as an outsider who can get things done in the way Washington Republicans can’t.

Those are warm and fuzzy relationships compared with what Trump and Cruz have to say about D.C. Republicans on a regular basis. Trump summed up his views like this in August: “Our leaders are stupid. Our politicians are stupid”—a line he repeats regularly. And every election night, Cruz tells his supporters some version of the sentiments expressed in this tweet: “The screaming you hear now from across the Potomac is the Washington Cartel in full terror that the conservative grassroots are rising up.”

There are 19 delegates up for grabs today, and given how everyone expects the race to 1,237 to come down to the wire (if anyone reaches it) nobody can take even one for granted. The rules for the DC convention are yet another hybrid. They are assigned proportionally to any candidate meeting a 15% threshold, but they have a trigger which will allow the winner to sweep all 19 if they make it to 50% plus one. Voting took place from 10 this morning until 4 this afternoon, but as with most things in DC it’s never that simple. Any voters with religious restrictions on voting during the day can come and vote after dark. We should have results after 9 pm and we’ll update this post at that time.


There are two other races going on today that you probably won’t have any interest in keeping an eye on. This first one is the GOP primary in Guam. It won’t be done until long after I go to bed and it doesn’t really matter to the candidates anyway. The residents of the island will be voting to pick one dozen delegates to the convention, but they aren’t bound to any candidate so they can vote for whoever they want when they get to Cleveland. So why bother having a primary, you ask? Hey.. if you lived on Guam wouldn’t you want an all expense paid trip to Ohio this summer?

The last race is in Wyoming, but that’s not a full primary either. Today they will hold “conventions” in each county to select a total of 12 delegates. But they still have to have another primary next month to pick their remaining 17 delegates. Why do they do it that way? Go find somebody from Wyoming, ask them, then come back and explain it to me. It’s just Wyoming.

So there you have it. Until DC finishes up their business tonight we now return you to your regularly scheduled Saturday business.

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