There’s been plenty of information on Huma Abedin coming out of the various investigations into Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State. These have ranged from the recent revelation that she had signed and then defied her separation agreement to the earlier finding that the OIG for State had determined there was an embezzlement case against her which Justice later conveniently declined to prosecute. But where was all of that info coming from? That’s what Harry Reid would like to know and he thinks there’s a leak in the system somewhere. (The Hill)
Frustrated with one of his colleagues, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) picked up the phone late last month to express his irritation.
The minority leader wanted to know why Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) was blocking nearly two dozen State Department nominees over work done by Huma Abedin, a longtime senior aide to Hillary Clinton…
The Iowa senator has publicly said he has a “confidential source” helping his investigation of Abedin.
Democrats claim they know who that source is and are accusing the State Department Office of Inspector General (OIG) of leaking information to Grassley about Abedin. They say the source is Emilia DiSanto, a former Grassley aide who is now deputy director of the State Department OIG.
So is DiSanto the insider who is telling tales out of school? She denies it categorically thus far and Grassley seems to indicate that there are plenty of other sources inside the State Department. But the real question here seems like it should be… who cares? We’re not talking about somebody leaking national security secrets to the press here. It’s a case of a Senate committee looking into a pertinent matter of legislative oversight getting information from the agency under discussion. Nobody seems to be disputing the authenticity of the information. The separation agreement document actually exists. It bears the former employee’s signature and appears to clearly have been violated. As for the Inspector General’s report on Abedin’s pay, that’s simple payroll records. Really nothing in dispute there beyond the fact that the Obama Department of Justice didn’t see fit to pursue a case involving the embezzlement of taxpayer funds.
Wouldn’t you imagine that the Senate Minority Leader might be more concerned about helping the committee do its job and obtain all the relevant information and less worried about saving Hillary Clinton’s reputation and election chances? Wait… what am I saying?
Harry Reid is among the most partisan (and powerful) Democrats in Washington with a massive money trail in his wake. He may be retiring, but he’s hardly done as a player in the game. Of course he doesn’t want any bad information on Hillary Clinton seeing the light of day and that includes anything about her closest, long time assistant. If his office can shut down the flow of information to the committee and hinder their work, there’s little doubt in my mind that he’d do it. And it’s not like he’s got another election to worry about.
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