Yesterday we talked about the rather embarrassing fact that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was once again chased off of his own stage by the Black Lives Matter crew and how he is, at this point, effectively being held hostage by them. At the time I wondered if Bernie could recover from such a humiliating experience, but he’s once again managed to surprise me. Sanders has struck back at the Social Justice Warriors by quickly unveiling a new policy platform which will… do exactly what they want. (Huffington Post)
A day after being interrupted by Black Lives Matters protesters at a campaign event in Seattle, Washington, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) released a detailed platform on combating racial inequality.
Sanders’ campaign posted the platform on his website on Sunday, and he addressed the issue of racial justice that evening in front of more than 20,000 supporters in Portland, drawing his largest crowd yet along the campaign trail. Nearly 12,000 people attended Saturday’s event in Seattle.
The platform delineates policy proposals pertaining to what Sanders calls “the four central types of violence waged against black and brown Americans: physical, political, legal and economic.”
Well, maybe now the mean kids will leave him alone and not take away his microphone when he wants to talk about his qualifications to be the leader of the free world.
I saved a copy of this stunning document because I expect it to change rather rapidly. Feel free to browse through it at the link above, but it’s difficult to imagine this being anything more than a panic response to the #BlackLivesMatter backlash. Most of it sounds like a combination of gibberish and liberal protest slogans without much in the way of real meat on the bone. Bernie breaks down the problems minorities face into, the four central types of violence waged against black and brown Americans: physical, political, legal and economic. Let’s take a look at a few examples.
Here are three items from his plan to address “physical violence against minorities”
We must demilitarize our police forces so they don’t look and act like invading armies.
We need police forces that reflect the diversity of our communities.
Our Justice Department must aggressively investigate and prosecute police officers who break the law and hold them accountable for their actions.
How do we “demilitarize” our police, particularly when peaceful protests in Ferguson are once again resulting in a state of emergency? And how will we mandate police forces that reflect diversity? You have to work with the qualified applicants you get. As to the Justice Department, it seems to me that they’ve been involved in local law enforcement to a degree that is crippling local authority. That’s a lot of word salad, but I’ll be interested to see exactly how he expects to mandate this from Washington.
But how about “Political Violence” in America? What will Bernie do there?
We need to re-enfranchise the more than two million African Americans who have had their right to vote taken away by a felony conviction.
We need to make Election Day a federal holiday to increase voters’ ability to participate.
Every American over 18 must be registered to vote automatically, so that students and working people can make their voices heard at the ballot box.
We must put an end to discriminatory laws and the purging of minority-community names from voting rolls.
I don’t even know where to go with that set. You’re saying that all convicted felons should be voting? Automatic registration may not even be physically possible, and if it were it would flood the system with false hits from people who move after they turn 18 and graduate. As to “discriminatory laws” one can only assume he means voter ID laws. Good golly Miss Molly.
His “legal violence” agenda means ending drug laws, banning private prisons and putting those costs back on the taxpayer with no oversight and shifting drug offenders into halfway houses. I can’t wait to see the bill on that one. The “economic violence” section simply defies description. But the solution is “free” college for everyone, “pay equity for women” (which we already have) and forbidding employers from asking job applicants about their criminal history (which New York City is already trying to disastrous effect).
This knee-jerk reaction is, I suppose, predictable. Sanders can’t get his protesters under control but is ashamed of the fact that they’ve taken over his campaign. This is a lot of feel good liberal blathering which may serve to quiet them down, but he needs to be challenged as to how he plans to deliver all these unicorns into the stable.
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