UC Davis hit with another swastika attack on Jewish frat

Can’t we all just get along? Apparently not. At UC Davis, located near Sacramento, California, the student body senate voted last week to urge the university administration to defund and divest from any interests which support Israel. (Or something like that… I’ve never been exactly sure how these groups try to define what that means.) I’m sure that action alone was pretty offensive to Jewish students and all supporters of the United States’ relationship with Israel, but for some that was apparently not enough.


On Saturday morning – the holiest day of the week for Jews – swastikas spray painted in red on their Jewish frat house were the last thing these brothers expected to wake up to.

“I’m a freshman so I’ve never had to deal with such outward show of hate towards me and my people,” Itai Ofir said.

Ofir and his Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi call it anti-Semitism at its worst…

After years of heated meetings, the UC Davis student body senate passed a resolution Thursday urging the school to stop all involvement with companies that support Israel.

As with cases of alleged racism or sexism, I’ve seen some conversations where people are quick to pull the trigger and accuse someone of antisemitic behavior when the evidence was rather scant. But when you wake up and find swastikas painted on your wall, I think we’ve reached the point of obvious evil where every rational person can get on the same page. Apparently UC Davis has had more than its share of these problems in the past, with swastikas previously showing up on campus signs and a Jewish student’s dorm room back in 2010. Toss in a noose found hanging from the goal posts and you can make a fairly good case that some of the students there have serious issues.

Colleges – and their trust funds – are free to decide where and how they invest as far as I’m concerned. If they want to pull any and all monetary support for Israel, that’s up to them, provided that information is made available to the public so everyone can vote with their wallets as to whether or not they want to continue associating with the school. The same goes for the Green Warrior types who want everyone to not invest in energy companies because they hate Big Oil. (Sure… turn down one of the most proven, profitable investments on the market year after year. Let us know how that works out for you.)


But this is something else. I do not, as long time readers know, believe in so called “hate crimes” and this case is no exception. But it’s also a clear signal to the police that something very evil is taking place, and further investigation is warranted before the violence evolves into attacks on persons and not just property. And the parents of the students at UC Davis might want to take this news into consideration before they write that next tuition check, just as the alumni should give this a look before making any more donations.

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