Young and sexually active in NY? There's an app for that

Eliana Johnson over at National Review picked up on an item from the home of the Loathsome Nanny State Mayor which didn’t catch much attention in the press. Apparently the young, hip and on the move kids of the Big Apple have access to all sorts of public services, many of them quite useful indeed. The number of school programs in New York alone is staggering and many families avail themselves of them. But what if you’re a younger person with snoopy, intrusive parents who is in need of some quick contraception or testing for sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy without the “rents” finding out? There’s an app for that.


The Bloomberg administration has launched an app intended to reduce teen pregnancy called “Teens in NYC Protection+” that provides a wealth of health data for kids who are — or are thinking about becoming — sexually active, The Post has learned.

Information about everything from free clinics for HIV and STD testing to receiving condoms and emergency contraception is just a touch away on a smartphone.

The Health Department has yet to publicly announce the app. But the information has been available on the Web site, which has a special section dedicated to teens.

Parents who visit the site are in for a surprising lesson about state law.

Surprising indeed. Here’s the helpful advice in question.

“Teens in New York state have a legal right to get sexual-health services without the permission of parents, guardians, boyfriends, girlfriends, relatives or anyone else,” the site advises.

By comparison, a teen is not allowed to go on a school trip without parental consent.

Obviously I’m not one of those “nobody should use contraception” people, and the long term benefits of health education likely outweigh the costs. But when it comes to minors, there’s also something significant to be said for programs which actively promote involving parents in the most basic aspects of their children’s lives. And decisions such as this are probably one of the areas where kids need guidance the most.


If this was taken as an isolated item, it might not raise as many eyebrows, particularly in the Big City. But given Bloomberg’s previous track record, this is going to turn out to be one more item on an already long agenda of progressive social engineering.

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David Strom 7:00 AM | May 18, 2024