Job-seekers with Trump on their resume face a cold reality

According to a dozen former officials, the choices are now roughly these: Stay in Mr. Trump’s direct orbit, as a cluster of advisers have done, or try to find a job in a corner of the political ecosystem that is sympathetic to him.


And then there are businessmen like Mike Lindell, the “MyPillow guy” and one of Mr. Trump’s most fervent supporters.

But Mr. Lindell, at least, is not yet offering a soft landing: “I am focused on the machine election fraud being exposed” instead of hiring matters, Mr. Lindell wrote in a text message, repeating a baseless theory around President Biden’s victory.

Several lower-profile aides have succeeded in parlaying their time serving Mr. Trump into jobs in recent weeks. Jalen Drummond, a former assistant press secretary who serves in the Marine Corps Reserves, was hired by Leidos, a military contractor. Harrison Fields, another former assistant press secretary, was hired as communications director for Representative Byron Donalds, Republican of Florida.

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