Where’s my father’s America?

I understand the very real economic impact on businesses in the United States. I run one of those businesses. We scrambled to create liquidity, we reduced pay, we filed for a PPP loan and we have watched several of our customers declare bankruptcy. I don’t just have a front row seat, I am in the game. In April, I watched helplessly as my revenue went almost to zero. However, I have not wavered in my desire to use data to properly reopen our communities. More importantly, I am not willing to risk my immediate family, my employees or my mother without data.


We revered the greatest generation for sacrificing their lives to die in Europe and Asia. Fathers, sons and brothers died thousands of miles from home. The mothers, daughters and sisters who couldn’t join the military stayed home and ran our factories. The one for all and all for one spirit of Americans is a thread that runs through centuries of American history. But, now, we are offended that we have to wear a mask in public. My Facebook feed is full of surveys asking if I am wearing a mask in public. There is post after post saying “we have to get the economy going again.” I know, but “we’re overacting, heart disease kills more people and thousands are dying from cancer.” True, except we do everything in our power to save victims of those diseases. We participate in marathons, crowdfund families and donate to St. Jude’s. We believe we are doing all we can for those victims. Yet, with COVID-19, we find it acceptable for the Lt. Governor of my state to say that he’s “All in” if the exchange is sacrificing grandparents for the economy.


Lesson #2, this not our America. This is not who we are. We can wear masks and we can social distance.

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