Scenes of "urban warfare" erupt from Miami to Seattle

Just near the White House around Lafayette Park, protesters moved from street to street, engaging in skirmishes and shouting matches with D.C. police.

Tear gas and flash-bangs were deployed on several major intersections just a stone’s throw from the West Wing and other federal buildings. Fires were lit, windows broken, bottles hurled. Several local businesses were defaced with “FUCK TRUMP” and “FUCK 12” graffiti. And crowds of demonstrators and activists traded chants: “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” versus police orders to “Move BACK, Move BACK, Move BACK.”


Through it all, President Trump followed the action closely, with his senior aides debating into the evening the best course of action, according to two administration officials.“Tonight in Washington, I see another chance for him to be the law and order [president],” a White House official messaged The Daily Beast around 11:30 p.m. as the standoffs in the streets continued apace.

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