How Trump's Gina Haspel nomination reflects his views on war crimes

Driving the news: President Trump disagreed. Trump actually liked this aspect of Haspel’s resume, according to three sources who spoke to the president at the time. In fact, Trump told aides that Haspel’s support for “torture” or “waterboarding” (Trump uses these words interchangeably in his private conversations) was an asset, not a liability.


Trump told advisers that he asked Haspel her opinion on whether waterboarding works. In Trump’s telling, Haspel replied to him that she was “100%” sure it works, a source who spoke to Trump about it told me.

“He seemed impressed with how sure she was about something so controversial,” the source said. “That she did not bat an eye, did not sugarcoat it, that it works. When it comes to national security, she does not hesitate.”

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