Who's afraid of Rudy Giuliani?

The Biden campaign fails to understand that there is news value in having not just humbug artists like Giuliani on their shows, but also charlatans and beguilers like Graham, McCarthy, Jordan and Miller. When forced to spar with critical news anchors, their lies become transparent and diluted. In his recent appearances, Giuliani has been a shvitzing, manic mess, plotting out imaginary treacheries and schemes by the president’s political opponents. Graham comes off like the president’s useful idiot. McCarthy looks like he’s in over his head, and Jordan sounds like he should be sized for a straitjacket.


Not even the most strident Trump partisan could come away from Sunday thinking that Stephen Miller was doing anything but bicycling away from Chris Wallace. The Trump gang’s panicky, nonsensical answers were enough to convince a viewer with any horse sense that the president has yet to mount a genuine defense to the whistleblower’s complaint. It may be painful for the Biden campaign to watch, but this is valuable news that average news consumer can use to reach independent judgments on who is telling the truth about the Ukraine scandal.

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