"I’m going to kill myself": Veteran tells Sanders he’s drowning in medical debt

“John, I’m looking at a bill that says account balance $139,000. What is that about?” Sanders asked.

“It’s because somehow after the fact they claim that my Tricare, I chose to end it, which I didn’t,” Weigel said. “They’re saying that I didn’t re-sign it or something.”


“So how are you going to pay off?” Sanders asked.

“I can’t, I can’t,” Weigel said. “I’m going to kill myself.”

“Hold it, John,” Sanders said firmly. “Stop it. You’re not going to kill yourself.”

That emotional moment was quickly shared across social media. Since the town hall, Sanders has tweeted several times about Weigel, holding him up as an example of a broken health-care system.

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