Rebuilding Notre Dame requires rebuilding the culture that created it

There is nothing Catholic about lifeless, brutal buildings designed to house dehumanized collectives. True Catholic architecture should do the opposite, physically striving for the infinite and expanding the souls of those who worship a living God.


For their part, the French need to recover their history and national pride. They must realize that they are more than their welfare state and their many monuments. They have inherited the greatest cultural patrimony in the world, and they should rise to this occasion as rightful heirs. They should reject the vulgarity and falsehoods of their postmodern philosophers and ditch the inferior trash of popular culture.

This does not mean adopting an ethnocentric xenophobia, but a cultural confidence that lifts outsiders up to their level instead of stooping down to theirs. It is apparent that the French suffer from an acute cultural insecurity that causes them to elect spineless globalists like Emmanuel Macron, seek safety in a crumbling European Union, and enable the existence of unassimilated, crime-infested ghettos.

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