Conservatives fear Trump will surrender on key judicial nominees

For many of Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters, there has been no issue more important than stacking the federal bench with conservative judges. Many on the right are now fearing a retreat.


Concerns began to mount after the Wall Street Journal editorial board on Tuesday published an editorial accusing the White House of negotiating with California’s Democratic senators, Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, to come up with a compromise list of nominees to the liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, long a bogeyman to conservatives.

Within 24 hours, the paper’s editorial had ricocheted across the right and sparked an outcry about another Trump surrender.

“Caving on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals nominees burdens every GOP senator up for re-election in 2020 and may cost President Trump a significant percentage of the vote in key swing states like Arizona which lives under the far left Circuit majority’s rulings,” said conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt, who spent a significant portion of his show Wednesday morning discussing the issue.

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