#I'mWithHer, but don't tell anyone: Inside the mind of secret Hillary Clinton voters

Included in that group will be several who confessed their secret to me—a wealthy Republican financier, an elected GOP public official, a staffer at a conservative think tank, and a lawyer at a Republican law firm. A Republican executive in a red state will be #WithHer and so will a GOP Hill staffer. They all say their votes are less for Clinton as much as they’re against Trump. But on Election Day, they’ll all cast their votes, secretly, for the Democratic nominee for president.


“I don’t like confrontation,” one Tennessee woman and secret Hillary voter told me as she explained her choice to keep her ballot a secret, along with her decision to back Clinton over Trump.

“I’m not truly ‘with’ either of them—but I voted for her,” she said. The woman said she would have voted for a Republican she could take seriously, but with Trump as the GOP nominee, Clinton was the only choice left. That’s a decision she doesn’t want to have to defend to her conservative friends and family. “It’s a personal choice and I don’t care to be attacked for it or to listen to anyone trying to convince me that Trump is anything other than a narcissistic child.”

Another secret Hillary voter is a Republican who worked against Clinton’s Senate bid in New York, but will vote for Clinton to become president on Tuesday.

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