Here's how Trump TV should work -- according to the expert, Glenn Beck

“I would start an OTT product and go for a $19.99 or a $10 a month subscription — maybe $19.99 with a premium wrestling event Donald Trump might do and roll in the money,” Beck said.


He continued, “And then on top of it, if you want to make an impact, Don, you’re going to have maybe, I don’t know, 5 to 10 million people—maybe—and with those people, you can start your own kind of—I hate using this term—but kind of your own alt-right, rebel party. And come back in the 2020 election or even the midterms as a credible source for telling the truth for those people who believed you in 2016.”

One of the real questions about a Trump media venture is what role the man himself would play. Unlike Beck, Trump has no daily talk-radio or television experience as a host — the kind of background that has served Beck well in programming his own network. In Beck’s mind, Trump’s name would be the draw for his base, but allies like Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham could end up being the daily faces of the channel.


“Trump gets bored awfully darn quickly,” he said. “First of all, I think the numbers might be big at first, but would dwindle quickly. My guess would be, if he wanted to start a network, he would look at people like Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, who have been backing him and believing in him from the beginning.”

Beck added Trump would pop in on the channel as a guest occasionally, when, he said, Trump has a salad bowl and wants to talk about Hispanics. Bannon, who is currently heading up Trump’s campaign, would run the channel, according to Beck.

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