Bad news: The Ewoks will be back in the new "Star Wars" movie

In a press book handed out on the Japanese press tour for J.J. Abrams’ upcoming Star Wars sequel, Warwick Davis’ character name for episode VII is listed as Wicket, according to Making Star Wars. That’s not entirely surprising, as the trailer for The Force Awakens included a shot of a melted Darth Vader mask, so a visit to the Ewok’s home on the forest moon of Endor at some point in the film—even if in a flashback—where that melting took place already seemed pretty likely.


Of course, there’s still an outside chance that the character name listing was an assumption or error on the part of whoever put that pamphlet together, but it seems highly likely at this point that Ewoks are coming back. Won’t you join me in singing the Yub Nub song in celebration?

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