Major liberal donors coalesce to push Hillary to the left

For instance, according to a draft agenda obtained by POLITICO, the meeting will feature sessions on reducing the influence of big money politics and reforming the criminal justice system, including ending the death penalty. Clinton, an unparalleled fundraiser, hasn’t led the charge on campaign finance reforms and supports capital punishment — unlike potential 2016 Democratic presidential rival Martin O’Malley. The former Maryland governor, who oversaw the death penalty’s abolition in his state, was invited to speak, but an O’Malley spokeswoman confirmed he is not planning to attend.


Other sessions highlighting assertively liberal stances are titled “Connecting Climate, Education, and Economic Justice” and “Marijuana Politics: Times They are a-Changin’.” The latter session includes a tour of San Francisco’s premier cannabis dispensary, “to learn about the rapidly changing world of medical marijuana” and stimulate discussion “about the role marijuana now plays in American politics,” including how the issue “could help turn key races in 2016 and beyond,” the agenda says.

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