One phone call from Tsarnaev's friends could have saved Sean Collier's life

Dzhokhar was the kid Dias partied with; he was the same friend who once told Kadyrbayev, “I know how to make a bomb.”

After two homemade bombs propelled the Boston Massacre into the 21st century, we are supposed to believe Dias Kadyrbayev had no hint of any connection.


Had he bothered to use his cellphone to call the FBI at that moment, perhaps MIT police officer Sean Collier might still be alive.

Of course, there is no good excuse for why Dias Kadyrbayev did not call the FBI after he entered his friend’s UMass dorm room, along with Azamat Tazhayakov and Robel Phillipos, and realized that Dzhokhar was indeed Suspect No. 2.

At that point, Sean Collier is about two hours away from being ambushed and killed in his cruiser.

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