The woke military is the bastard child of a thousand fathers.
Several of those “fathers” were the ones wearing JAG badges.
Luckily, POTUS and SecDef are earnest in reversing the damage done to our armed forces. But it is instructive to ask, ‘How did we get here?” To avoid a repeat of the blatant politicization of the military in the future, it is entirely right and fair to also ask, “How did illegal racial and gender quotas replace merit? When did common sense and good judgment surrender to rank idiocy?”
We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us
The simple truth is this: many military Judge Advocates, “JAGs,” whose clients were their respective service branches, either endorsed or failed to prevent the sixteen-year woke assault on the armed services. That’s likely why SecDef Hegseth fired the Army and Air Force Judge Advocates General in February.
Whether the failures were those of just a few woke idealogues, scaredy-cat careerists, or members of a wider-spread social justice movement, the responsibility to prevent the politicization of the military rested with the lawyers whose sworn duty it was to counsel adherence to the law.
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