To be fair, if I recall correctly she said one of the dumbest billionaires. The point still holds.
Is Elon Musk the indispensable man? That’s what John Lucas says. There’s a better case for his proposition than for AOC’s. Lucas writes:
Elon Musk is not a perfect man. But he has agreed to tackle the biggest problem facing the U.S. He is not tinkering around the edges. He is taking bold steps, which are necessary to fix BIG and complex problems. That distinguishes him from oh, about 98% of the politicians in both parties.
Congress is stocked with politicians who have been in national office for years, even decades, but who have done nothing to control the national debt, balance the budget, or even present a budget. Some have fancied themselves as presidential timber. Many still do, God help us. But none have a track record of real and lasting success or of even making a serious effort to try to fix the problem.
In a sane world, politicians from both parties would welcome the support of such an innovator with a proven track record who committed himself to working without pay to try to solve our National Fiscal Problem. Sane and rational patriots would support his efforts even if they disagree with some cuts or other aspects of his work. They would thank him for his efforts even if they disagree with some. If they thought that some of the spending cuts or reforms he identified are not necessary or need to be modified, they would say so in a rational and constructive way. If they thought a proposed cut in federal a federal regulation would have undesirable side effects, then they would say so and offer alternatives.
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