The Trump administration is reported to be building out its plans to penalize China for its subsidy of the shipbuilding industry by seeking international support while also linking it to the rebuilding of U.S. shipbuilding and breaking China’s monopoly on cargo cranes. Reuters and The Wall Street Journal have seen drafts of executive orders proposed to Trump that follow up on the recommendations of the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office and the announced White House office on shipbuilding.
Speaking to the U.S. Congress on Tuesday night, Trump said, “We used to make so many ships. We don’t make them anymore, very much. But we’re going to make them very fast, very soon.”
The Trade Representative in the last days of the Biden administration concluded an investigation into China’s shipbuilding policies. The report called for steps to reign in China’s unfair advantages in shipbuilding which it concluded were built through government subsidies and policies. Unconfirmed reports recently said the Trump administration had taken the Biden report and was looking at fees on shipping lines using Chinese-built ships and calling at U.S. ports.
In an exclusive report from Reuters, it said it has seen a draft of the executive order proposing fees on all ships entering U.S. ports from carriers that have Chinese-built ships in their fleets. The fees would be regardless of where the individual ship was built or registered.
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