What is the long-term Democratic Party’s strategy to return to power?
Americans may ask that only because so far, the Democrat agenda seems to entail polarizing and alienating as many voters as possible.
They gleefully double down on their 2024 defeat. And they seem almost to grow ecstatic at ensuring that Donald Trump and his record poll at unprecedented highs.
Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) rants on national TV that Trump is a d—k and promises to go to “war” against him.
Democratic representatives chant “f—k Trump” on national television.
Senator “Spartacus” Booker (D-NJ) almost daily shouts to high heaven and barks out promises of massive resistance, proving he is far crazier than his allegedly crazy Trump.
During the recent cabinet confirmations, Senators Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Tim Kaine lost their minds in impotent rage at the nominees and played the fools—furious at a few timid Democrat suggestions to tone it down.
Democrats bark that Elon Musk is even more Satanic than Trump.
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