Trump and Musk Move Europe to the Right

On Jan. 4, I listened to a frequently featured Fox News “All-Star,” Leslie Marshall, declare Elon Musk to be “loser of the week.” Much to Leslie’s consternation, Musk expressed sympathy for Nigel Farage’s “far right, anti-Muslim, and racist” UK Reform Party, and for Germany’s the even more notorious right-wing Alternative für Deutschland party. CBS News has blasted Musk for the same infamies, as his heresy sends shock waves through our legacy media.


For decades, there’s been a ruling class consensus that any European political party not ideologically in sync with the globalist “liberal democracies” is intrinsically evil. The term “extreme right” is routinely attached to the European populist right, while even the most far-out party on the now radicalized European is viewed as almost boringly “moderate.”

Not surprisingly, when Keir Starmer of Britain’s Muslim-intoxicated Labour Party took over as Britain’s prime minister, the Murdoch press described his newly formed government as moderately leftist. At the same time, our respectable conservative press was fitfully consigning the French nationalist Rassemblement National and La Reconquête parties to the unspeakable “far” or “extreme right.” 

Since the neoconservative reshaping of our conservative establishment, it has become commonplace for our respectable right to treat any nationalist European party, even its spokesmen who are effusively pro-Israel, as an unwelcome presence. Supposedly these threats to democracy all betray the legacy of European fascism and on a more practical level, recoil from our liberal interventionist reason for existing as a superpower. In any case, it’s clear that once the Soviet menace receded, right-wing, not the supposedly “centrist right,” parties in Europe have been less inclined than they were before to follow the directives of our government and media.


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