Italian Deputy Prime Minister Proposes Measure to Leave World Health Organization

Some interesting moves from other countries are now shaking up the globalist health bureaucracy.

I reported on the budget-trimming the World Health Organization has undergone since President Donald Trump signed an executive order to exit the World Health Organization (WHO).


Now Matteo Salvini, Italy’s deputy prime minister and leader of the League party, has proposed a bill to withdraw Italy from the WHO.

“I presented this morning at the Chamber of Deputies, the League’s bill to leave the WHO (World Health Organization), as did the United States with Donald Trump,” Salvini, leader of the far-right League party, said on social media Thursday evening.

“Italy must no longer have to deal with a supranational power center — handsomely financed by Italian taxpayers — which goes hand in hand with the multinational pharmaceutical companies. Let’s use those 100 million to support the sick in Italy and finance our hospitals and doctors!” he added.

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