Digital Kristallnacht - Never Again Is Here

Australian authorities thwarted a potential mass-casualty event aimed at Jewish targets in what is becoming a dangerous and hostile environment for Jewish citizens in Western countries. While mainstream media and Western universities push narratives of an Israeli “genocide” of Gazan children, social media has been likewise flooded with non-stop anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and anti-Jew propaganda.


Now, the fruits of that poison tree are beginning to flower. Australian officials hid the news of the averted attack from citizens until a reporter broke the story independently.

A major attack targeting the Jewish community in Sydney was foiled by the New South Wales police, law enforcement authorities said on Wednesday. An abandoned recreation vehicle containing a significant amount of explosives and the address of a synagogue was discovered in the northwestern suburbs of the city.

During a press conference, the district police chief specified that the power of the explosives could have caused considerable damage within a radius of at least 40 meters...

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