Biden Again Summons His “Leading Legal Constitutional Scholars”

In his final week as president, Joe Biden again invoked liberal professors to justify a plainly absurd constitutional argument by declaring that the 28th Amendment is now ratified. By invoking “leading legal constitutional scholars,” Biden only added redundancy to absurdity in claiming that the Equal Rights Amendment is now law. Unfortunately, this pattern has been all too familiar throughout his presidency and only highlights his contempt for constitutional order. 


As discussed in a column yesterday, the 28th Amendment has been as dead as Dillinger for decades.

To recap:

The deadline for ratification of the ERA was set for March 22, 1979 — allowing seven years to secure the required approval by three-quarters of the states, or 38 states. It failed to do so. Even worse,  four states — Nebraska, Tennessee, Idaho, Kentucky — rescinded their prior ratifications and a fifth, South Dakota, set its ratification to expire if the ERA was not adopted by the 1979 deadline...

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