I heard a woman at my gym say she’ll be celebrating the national holiday on Monday. “MLK Day?” someone asked. “Nope,” was the reply. “DJT Day!”
Both MLK and DJT have some things in common: Mocked for skin color (MLK: Black; DJT: Orange). Targeted by the FBI with dirty tricks aimed at getting them out of the national spotlight. Also targeted by “lone gunman” assassins, with DJT just being an inch or two luckier. And both ushered in sea changes in attitudes that might not have happened without them.
Donald Trump isn’t even president yet and we’re seeing all sorts of changes. Wikipedia is suddenly starting to police its biased editors. The FBI has abolished its DEI office. States and universities are abolishing theirs. Illegal immigrants are already starting to self-deport. Transgender mania is receding.
It’s like a spell has broken around the world. As I’ve noted before, it’s a preference cascade. Through nonstop lying, gaslighting, and bullying, various left groups have for decades forced people to believe – or, more accurately, to pretend to believe – in all sorts of crazy stuff.
Now people have stopped pretending, and stopped any semblance of respect for the leftist cant.
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