Yo - Money Talks: The 'Environmentalists' Have Disappeared

ne of the strangest if not most hypocritical elements of the battle against industrial wind projects is the silence of the normally loud environmental lobby. Massive wind turbines are not only destroying enormous vistas of beauty but studies show they are wiping out batsinsects, and large migratory birds while drying out soil and impacting water tables. But where are the environmentalists with their placards? Where are the road blockades? Where are the millennials gluing themselves to our legislative floors?


Nowhere. They are dead silent.

But surely the impacts on livestock and human healthwell-documented around the globe, would arouse their sensitivities?

Nada. Nothing. Silence.

Perhaps Larry Behrens, communications director for Power the Future, a nonprofit energy advocacy group, has the answer why. He notes that the environmental “left” will fight against any impact on historic sites when it involves oil and gas, but they typically look the other way when it comes to renewable energy projects.

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