Welcome to Germany’s green economic miracle. The year is 2025!
Germany’s so-called Energiewende (transition to renewable energies) has had one unmistakable result: Germany now finds itself rapidly nearing the brink of a third world country where the power supply is no longer reliable and brownouts becoming more and more a daily routine.
What’s happening is the opposite of what was once promised by the know-it-all climate wisemen: “Green energies would lead to a clean and prosperous country that would be the envy of the world.
So much for their fantasies.
The reality, as reported yesterday by Germany’s leading daily, Bild here: Germans in south Germany are now being told that their laundry and e-car charging are to be done only at certain times!
According to online Bild yesterday: “People in Baden-Württemberg should use as little electricity as possible on Friday from 8 am to 11 am. The transmission capacities of the power lines from the north of Germany to the southwest were over-utilized,”
Consumers were asked to avoid the use of all energy-intensive appliances.
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