Even Democrats Think The Democrats Deserve To Lose

Sasha Stone says the Democrats will have no one to blame but themselves if Trump takes the presidency. She is right. We have all seen what is behind the curtain and what is at stake should the Democrats take The White House again this next term. Hell, even some Democrats are seeing it. It’s about time to wake TF up from this nightmarish slumber and face the facts.


Either way, this going to be ugly. The dystopian ideologies of Democrat “utopia” of unicorns and rainbows will continue should Kamala Harris win. The wars will still churn, the border will be no better than it is, which is not so great. Harris had the opportunity to fix this and she did not. And, we have all heard this multiple times. The Democrats and their supporters flat-out PROMISED the reaction will be ugly if Trump wins. There will be riots in the streets. There WILL be domestic terror. This, alone, should tell us something about their desires and hopes for “turning the page” in this beautiful nation of ours. We need to be prepared.

I have already cast my ballot-unafraid and unashamed for Donald Trump. I did not listen to Julia Roberts.

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