Toxic Femininity and Wokeism Are Driving Voters From Harris

In under 24 hours, over 20 million people have watched Joe Rogan talk with  President Donald Trump, many of whom likely watched all three hours. The two men discussed the affection shown by Whoopi Goldberg and the women of “The View” for Trump before he ran for president, the killing of whales by industrial wind energy, the JFK assassination records, which Trump promised to release if elected, and much more. It was a feast of taboo topics.


It was also the latest sign that the American political tide is rapidly turning toward Trump and away from Kamala Harris. A Wall Street Journal poll last week showed Trump narrowly ahead of Harris nationwide, and a CNN poll yesterday showed them tied. Harris’ decision to make her closing argument to the American people that Trump is a fascist and Hitler sympathizer was widely viewed as a sign of desperation. And her line of attack, tired to begin with, further fizzled out in the media after she failed to clearly answer questions in a CNN Town Hall meeting with Anderson Cooper.

Harris may still win the election. There is still more than a week left. There are significant doubts about the accuracy of polling. Pollster Nate Silver has said on X that people should not rely on early vote counts from states where it is possible to make estimates based on party. Many pollsters say the race is too tight to call.

But even if she wins, Harris will not have a mandate to pursue a progressive agenda. Despite protests from Democrats and the media, voters increasingly support Trump’s immigration plans. Harris has been forced to move to the center on multiple issues. Black, Latino, and young men tell pollsters they will vote in larger numbers for Trump this year than they did in 2024. Several Arab and Muslim leaders today endorsed Trump. And, although Harris leads Donald Trump among Jewish voters, her lead is narrower than Biden’s.


Beege Welborn

ARGH, I hope this isn't paywalled.

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