Wait ... How Many Cases Did Kamala Actually Prosecute?

Before the campaign, Harris had an eight-year stint in the Alameda County district attorney’s office and a nearly two-year tenure in the San Francisco district attorney’s offices, giving her a decade of experience as prosecutor. Harris also worked for the San Francisco city attorney’s office in a civil-law position where she spent much of her time on administrative tasks, timesheets from January 2000 to August 2003 show.


Another opponent to highlight Harris’s inflated statements about her prosecutorial experience was the San Francisco tenants’ union, which endorsed Hallinan and accused Harris of being closely tied to wealthy slumlords.

“She claims she has tried ‘hundreds of serious cases.’ In fact, she tried only 2 as a Deputy District Attorney in San Francisco and only 8 during her 10 years in Alameda’s District Attorney’s Office. Why is she lying about her record?” the union’s mailer says. The union also dubbed Harris a “no-show” who was “paid to do nothing” in two patronage jobs.

Ed Morrissey

Will the Protection Racket Media actually ask her about this? Especially since her entire pitch now is that she's a prosecutor who will go after malefactors?

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