Kamala Gets Very Small And Very Dangerous

Kamala Harris on Wednesday delivered remarks outside the vice president’s formal residence in Washington, and it was nothing short of appalling. Using an immediately discredited and very obviously campaign-coordinated article in The Atlantic from the previous day, plus a New York Times interview from a disgruntled former Trump administration official, she stated in her official capacity that her opponent is “increasingly unhinged and unstable.” She promised that in a second Trump term, he would be a president of “unchecked power,” adding that his behavior has shown him to be “deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous.”


Kamala stopped just short of officially declaring Trump an enemy of the state, though at the rate she and her allies in the national media are accelerating, it will be no surprise when she does. The entire shocking display was like watching a gambling addict down $25,000 in a single night and on his last chip, only to lose again. She has not a cent left to her name, and rent is due tomorrow.

Ed Morrissey

The degradation is completely shocking, especially in light of the two assassination attempts on Trump in the the last three months. The Left loves to claim that speech incites violence, and it's now an open question as to whether that's what they intend. 

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