No, You’re Not Imagining a Migrant Crime Spree

The elite press rode to Biden’s defense. The idea of a migrant crime wave was a myth, media outlets proclaimed, noting studies of Texas incarceration data from years ago, which seemed to suggest that illegals commit crimes at low rates. This ignored other surveys, based on federal multistate data, which show a far more troubling reality. And after years of a migrant border “surge”—with countless asylum-seekers inadequately vetted and then allowed to enter the U.S.—state law-enforcement agencies now warn that immigrant gangs have seized control of many drug- and human-trafficking networks and have unleashed robbery sprees across the nation. With polls showing Americans alarmed about illegal immigration—a majority even backing mass deportations—Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin reflected public anger when he charged that “every state” is now “a border state.”


Ed Morrissey

No kidding. Despite the attempts at Jedi mind tricks by Democrats and media -- but I repeat myself -- Americans know darned well that they are significantly less safe than before Biden's border crisis began. And they know nothing will change until this administration gets changed from top to bottom, but especially the top. 

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