DEI Trainer Gets Oregon Employee Placed On Leave For Hiring 'Candidates Most Qualified'

The cult of intersectionality is claiming more of its victims in the workplace.

Oregon recently placed their deputy state forester, Mike Shaw on leave after their purple-haired DEI trainer filed a complaint that he sought “candidates most qualified for the job,” rather than race and gender, reports the Daily Mail.


Who would’ve thought in 2024 you'd be punished for discrimination for refusing to discriminate against applicants?

But Megan Donecker, the forestry department’s former Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chief says hiring should be done through an “intersectional lens,” which means their process should be a victimhood contest determining whose ancestors were more oppressed.

Donecker also whined that six queer staffers didn't “feel safe or comfortable” at work because they could not have a “conversation around pronouns.”

Beege Welborn

Getting really tired of the "I feel unsafe" whining.

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