Peak Pathetic: Health Insurers Offering 'Election Stress' Events

My love-hate relationship with my health insurance provider continues apace.

I’m kidding, of course. Love has nothing to do with it.

The purpose of health insurance is to provide coverage in the event of a medical event, such as illness or injury. Obviously, for health insurance providers it is an expensive undertaking. In consequence, providers promote preventative medicine to improve their bottom line—oops, I mean to improve their customers’ wellness. This is laudable—unless and until it becomes counterproductive to their purported reason for existence: the insured’s health.


To incentivize the insured to participate in preventative medicine, my health insurance provider offers online events and incentives. For example: an event offers online sessions to raise awareness and provide assistance regarding a healthcare issue. As for an incentive, if within a specified period a customer attains sufficient “points” for daily performing and tracking certain “healthy habits” and/or answering a daily pair of statements and/or questions, the insured will receive a rebate on their premiums.

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