Where Did All the FEMA Money Go?

Did you know that FEMA has been so slammed that they are going to run out of money?

At least, that is the claim by Secretary of Homeland Security, the utterly incompetent and should-have-been-impeached Alejandro Mayorkas. As he and press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre went to South Carolina along with Joe Biden, so that he could do a tour of North Carolina, Mayorkas informed the press that FEMA – the Federal Emergency Management Agency – was going to run short of money. Part of Mayorkas’s comments are directed at the fact that the budget is currently working with a “continuing resolution” until after the election, which he does not see as “stable.”


Q And is there any update on the estimate of how much this is going to cost the federal government and how much you would be seeking from Congress for help?

SECRETARY MAYORKAS: So, as I mentioned, we have the immediate needs right now. On a continuing resolution, we have funds, but that is not a stable source of supply, if you will.

This is a multibillion-dollar, multiyear recovery. The magnitude of it —

Q Did you say million or billion?


Q Just on the funding. You know, we have two months left in hurricane season. Can you just characterize a little bit — if you don’t get more funding, how much trouble are we in if another big storm hits? Does that translate —


Q — into lives lost?

SECRETARY MAYORKAS: Well, there — there are a couple things. It’s very important to note that even though we’re on a continuing resolution, we — we do — can obtain spend-fast funds so that we can dip into funds that are slated for the duration of the year to meet immediate needs. So, we — we are meeting the moment.


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