You Need a Dress Code at Home

I have never worked in an office. I have always worked for myself. I have always set my own schedule and determined the rhythm of my day.

Back in early 2020, when COVID hit, everyone’s work changed. All of a sudden, people were working from home. Almost everyone I knew was asking me for advice. How to adjust. How to deal with it. How not to lose your mind. How to stay productive. There was one thing I told everyone: Dress decently for work from home.


Working from home can be great. You don’t have to battle endless traffic every morning. You can work from the comfort of the nook in your kitchen. You don’t have to be on guard constantly, always trying to stealthily dodge cultural land mine after cultural land mine.

You are free to get your work done when you want to get it done. You are also free to look like a slob. You don’t need to wear a jacket or a tie. You don’t need to wear a shirt with a collar.

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