ESPN Is Becoming a Shell

In an absolute sports media shocker, preeminent NBA writer and podcaster Zach Lowe was laid off from ESPN on Thursday. Based on my experience getting axed over there in 2017, I’d imagine that yesterday was horrible for him. I’d also guess that today is a lot better.


After you make it through the initial stage of feeling rejected and totally destabilized, a newly ex-ESPNer can experience an unexpected emotion: Relief. Yes, Lowe is highly respected and well remunerated. His is the sort of job people are jealous of. But the reality of working within Bristol’s bureaucracy is usually horrible. It’s actually worse if you’re a star because different elements of the massive company are pulling you in opposite directions, fighting behind the scenes over what your actual job is. Nobody is in charge of making your schedule actually make sense, and since people are getting fired all the time, there’s a desperation behind everyone’s attempt to get a piece of you.

I’m not saying you should break out a violin for Zach Lowe. Actually, quite the opposite. He’s been liberated from a toxic work environment. Also, getting let go in this manner allows for the unusual experience of being Tom Sawyer at his own funeral. As in, you’d typically have to die to receive such loudly earnest compliments about yourself. I know that sounds like a frivolous benefit, but having gone through it at a smaller scale, I can tell you it’s really touching. Not only is there all that online praise, but people who’d never felt compelled end up sending thank you emails. It’s really cool, at least once you’re in the head space to engage.


Anyway, you’d think Bristol would better value a famous NBA observer who can write, study film, work high level sources, translate the salary cap, podcast and do TV hits. I’d also add that, in his various settings, Zach is an underrated incisive interviewer. It’s just so unusual that anyone in media has so many skills strung together, and part of me wonders if it’s a waste to force a guy with such versatility to understand what’s going on with Detroit Pistons free agency.

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